Amanda Jorgenson is a wildlife artist based in Seattle, Washington. She has been a full-time artist for the past four years, and began studying art in 1989. “I grew up in Anchorage, Alaska, where I was constantly surrounded by nature and fascinating creatures, which have found their way into my artwork since I began drawing and painting.” She offers her artwork, art classes, and more on her website,
I don't believe in "natural born talent"; it's something we all have to work toward!
After working for eight years as a German language instructor, Amanda found herself becoming burnt out. “I found a note to myself from when I was in 2nd grade saying I wanted to be a wildlife artist and sell paintings to people. That's really what inspired me to get back into the artworld, after years of not drawing or painting.” Her favorite part of being an artist now is observation of the many subjects she paints. “I truly enjoy observing and painting minute details in feathers, flowers, fur, etc. These small details are what make that animal/plant unique. Being able to get those pieces out in front of an audience, and have them see that even the most "common place" animal - such as a crow - is something very intricate and beautiful, makes me happy.”