Sketchbox Project: Pet Portraits with Yours Truly

While this is from last year, I thought I would let you all know about the opportunity I had with Sketchbox in March 2021 creating a tutorial on how to paint pet portraits.

Getting used to guiding other artists (read: guiding adult artists) on how-to-do projects is nerve-racking in its own right, it was a fun experience for me to talk through my process on how to get your pet to look like…well, your pet!

Check it out below:

Project: Norwegian Flower Mural with Urban ArtWorks

In September, Urban ArtWorks reached out to me to ask if I was interested in designing a mural for a client’s private garden/residence. Since the client is often gone, they didn’t care to plant flowers or other vegetation; instead wanted to have a mural depicting Norwegian flowers that they could look at year round.

In total, the mural covers roughly 4.5’ x 25’ and consists of 4 separate panels which are attached to the client’s fence. The flowers in the mural are as follows:

Alpine sow-thistle (in the two-toned purple) | Giant bellflower (in the yellow) | Water aven (in fuchsia) | Fiddlehead fern (in green) | Round-leaved wintergreen (in two-toned red).

The colors are not true to the flowers natural color; however, this was done with intention, as Seattle winters can be quite grey, so bright, bold colors are necessary to brighten up the area.

Between the project manager, a volunteer, and me, we were able to finish the mural in 3 days. Although if you know an artist, you are well aware that we could have picked at it for an eternity longer.

All in all, I am pleased with the outcome, as is the client, so I couldn’t wish for a better ending to 2019.

In the following pictures we have my cat, Agatha, critiquing my initial designs - tracing the design onto the panels, using a projector - beginning stages of painting and outlining - the completed panels in the Urban ArtWork’s studio - the mural in situ!